• alessandra franco


The solid walls reveal, in the digital illusion, permeable to the emotions that the artist makes in a complex technological score influenced by the theoretical dictates that refer to the iconography of metaphysical painting: To represent what is beyond empirical reality through a use New of the references of the past.

alessandra franco tivoli videomapping
alessandra franco video mapping tivoli

Video mapping

The Imago Vocis audiovisual installation

The “Imago Vocis” audiovisual installation has proposed the project to the attention of the Culture Conservator at “Tivoli Calling – The Arts Festival” is an entirely unpublished and site-specific artistic project. Imago Vocis, a literal translation from the Latin of the echo word, draws inspiration  from the popular legend that refers to ancient religious practices in honor of Goddess Vesta, Another name with which the Sibyl Tiburtina is historically identified, which is said to resonate around the city with the same strange echoing effect among the mountains.

L’installazione audiovisiva “Imago Vocis”,  ha proposto il progetto all’attenzione dell’assessorato alla cultura in occasione di “Tivoli chiama – il Festival delle arti” è un progetto artistico assolutamente inedito e site specific. Imago Vocis, traduzione letterale dal latino della parola eco, trae ispirazione dalla leggenda popolare che riferisce di antiche pratiche religiose in onore della Dea Vesta, altro nome con cui è identificata storicamente la Sibilla Tiburtina, che si dice risuonassero intorno la città con lo stesso effetto straniante dell’eco tra le montagne.

Video installation, visual imagery. The perpetual echo of the prophecies of Tibetan Sibilla, water and myth. Resonances.