Video mapping

Desiderum_ Video Installations of Rocca Pia Tivoli

The falling stars have always been an important moment for those who look, the opportunity to entrust the realization of their desires, as well as the rarity of the passage of the same stars. The tradition that is still very strong today to entrust its desires to the stars has ancient roots, which are based on the same etymology of the word “desire”. The term derives from the Latin “desiderum” which means “on the stars” and is used by the artist to sublimate in a single visual account myth, cosmology, water, sea, and contemporary history, possession, passion.

Desiderum is a great installation in video mapping where, starting from this moment of European crisis, marks the myth from which etymology derives, and is here at Tivoli in one of the sources of the majestic Villa D’Este, the fountain Europe whose sculptural group (located at Villa Albani in Rome) represents the iconography of EUROPA SUL TORO.

Video mapping

Deep inside Concept Desiderum

The symbolism of the stars, adopted in the flag as witnesses of common values ​​of unity, solidarity and harmony among the peoples that form part of it, is translated by the artist into a series of constellations, first of all the one of Taurus whose birth, legend wants , it is tied to the love of the supreme Zeus God for the young Europe. Right now after Brexit, a star inexorably breaks the harmony of the circle, triggering perhaps a dangerous process, and certainly disappointing the ideals. The installation closes on the image of Diana Ephesina as a generator of generosity welcome and nourishment, impersonating itself as the promised landmark Europe of these last great migrations.

La simbologia delle stelle, adottate nella bandiera come testimoni di valori comuni di unità, solidarietà e armonia tra i popoli che ne fanno parte, è traslata dall’artista in una serie di costellazioni, in primis naturalmente quella del Toro la cui nascita, leggenda vuole, sia legata proprio all’amore del Dio supremo Zeus per la giovane Europa.

Ad oggi dopo il Brexit, una stella inesorabilmente rompe l’armonia del cerchio innescando forse un pericoloso processo, e certamente deludendo gli ideali. L’installazione si chiude sull’immagine della di Diana Efesina, come dispensatrice di generosità accoglienza e nutrimento, impersonificandosi come Europa terra promessa di queste ultime grandi migrazioni.

Alessandra Franco Tivoli video mapping

•Inatallations video art, video mapping.

Rocca Pia Tivoli 2017

Sound designer TOMMY GRIECO